Welcome to Samsara III.
Salaam. I am going to spend the majority of this text on some more
abstract concepts that i have been contending with lately.
Here I will attempt to show that Samsara is real,
as we are in fact ourselves a dream within a dream.
Monkeys on typewritters over infinite time will reproduce the complete works
of william shakespeare. This is because we know that given random generation,
all possibilities (patterns) will be realized as you approach infinity. Similarly,
these patterns will be realized infinite times.
Given: if i were to flip a coin once, there are what we call 50/50 odds.
Does this mean that if i were to flip it twice i would come out once on tails and
once on heads? of course not. But it does mean that the more i flip it (as we approach
infinity), it will approach perfect 50/50 -- ie equal heads and tails. This principal applies
to any set of random possibilities (patterns), including those of numbers and letters
(with spaces). How is this useful? -- it tells us that all possibilities WILL be realized in
equal proportion as we approach infinity.
As such, if i have a random character generation (such as monkees on typewritters) of a
16-character pattern, i will come up with all possibilities of it as i approach infinity, infinitely.
"i like ice cream" for example will come up in roughly equal proportion as "adfslxke djneowp"
will. The proportion of course being equalized in a type of "narrowing sinusoidal oscillation".
In conclusion all patterns of mutually exclusive "characters" will be realized (given random
generation) as you approach infinity.
The point of all of this? -- to demonstrate a rationally *possible* form of reincarnation.
This model works along the lines of the hindu conception that "The universe exists in endless
cycles of creation, preservation and destruction." And as such, that time is circular (infinite).
The idea of finite time of course is somewhat absurd in itself; all matter and energy is
indestructible, how is the universe (which is but a summation of these two things) destructible?
This could be consistant with the 'big bang'/'big crunch' theory, and if it is the universe *could*
create itself again in another big bang everytime the universe collapses in on itself (if it collapses
upon itself). If this were true, then there are roughly two possibilities that emerge. 1) that the
universe will create itself in exactly the same fashion as before (which would be utterly pointless)
and 2) that there would be a certain degree of "random" variance. In essense, this is along exactly
the same lines as the monkeys reproducing shakespeare; that is that all possibilities (patterns) are
realized infinitely given random generation of mutually exclusive variables. Given that these
variables are not mutually exclusive (but are dependant) a more complex system arises. With
alot of complications as to determining exactly what effects the possible spectra of variance can
produce, we are left with alot of IF's, but nonetheless a distinct logical possibility. This could
perhaps exist also under a multiple universe theory.
This all would allow for a wonderfully Sisyphean version of reincarnation, going along the buddhist
lines of "samsara", or the eternal cycle of suffering and death. Of course i am assuming that the
cartesian "ghost in the machine" sermon is invalid and that we are but material patterns of matter
and energy. Anyhow if this hyothesis is true, "we" have all lived this moment infinite times and are
condemned to live it infinite more times. Every possible variance of ourselves will (could) be realized.
I think that if there is continuence after death, it is something along the lines of the "infinity" scenario
which is presented here. The so called 'many worlds' theories in quantum physics are also viable.
This is all absolute conjecture, so i will move on to topics
residing on at least some measure ofterra firma.